Professional Development Courses for Employee Empowerment

Name Start Date End Date Definition
Innovative Leadership (Step Up and Stand Out) 02 August 2024 16 August 2024 Develops proactive leadership qualities such as taking initi ......
Strategic Management 01 August 2024 01 September 2024 Develops strategic planning and decision-making skills for o ......
Navigating Change: Strategies for Resilient Leadership 02 August 2024 16 August 2024 This training program focuses on developing skills to manage ......
Strategic Growth Leadership (Mergers and Acquisitions) 01 August 2024 11 October 2024 Identify, evaluate, and capitalize on opportunities for orga ......
Influence and Persuasion (The Power of Influence) 02 August 2024 17 September 2024 Develops skills for influencing and persuading others to ach ......

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